Buddied tree planting. In addition to the carbon offset credits, we plant 4 trees per tonne of CO₂e offset. We are an official partner of Eden: People+Planet (formerly Eden Reforestation Projects), who plant trees to improve livelihoods.
Alongside our tree planting, we also commit to diverting £1 per tonne of CO₂e from every sale to support our free data, tools, and resources. Find out more: Circular Ecology's Scaling Carbon Reductions Initiative (SCRI).
About this Project
The Biogas Digesters in Indonesia Programme is a Gold Standard Certified carbon offsetting project which distributes biogas digesters to rural farming communities.
With 28,557 installations to date, this project is enabling farmers in rural communities to switch to 100% renewable energy, allowing those with livestock to produce their own sustainable fuels. The project not only provides a clean alternative to unsustainable firewood or expensive fossil fuels but also makes cooking easier and faster, saving 61 minutes per day for women (project W+ Certified). Additionally, it supports economic opportunities for local construction companies, masons, and the sale of fertilisers.
Benefits of Biogas Digester Carbon Credits
- Promotes the switch to 100% renewable energy sources
- Certified time-saving of 61 minutes per day for women
- Project W+ Certified
- Provides jobs and boosts local economy through construction and fertiliser sales
- Reduces smoke and fossil fuel use, leading to positive health benefits, particularly for women and children
- Bio slurry from digesters serves as a free alternative to chemical fertilisers, enhancing crop production for 9,043 households
- Reduces deforestation and smoke generation, contributing to better air quality and environmental conservation
Alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals
The Kenya biodigesters project is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. With benefits in 7 UN SDGs:
- UN SDG 1 – No Poverty
- UN SDG 2 – Zero Hunger
- UN SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-Being
- UN SDG 5 – Gender Equality
- UN SGD 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
- UN SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth
- UN SDG 13 – Climate Action