Online Carbon Footprint Training Course

Special Offer: We are currently offering 3 for the price of 2. Buy access for 3 individuals and the third place will be free.

Also 66.67% of all training course sales (ex. VAT) will be diverted to our Scaling Carbon Reduction Initiative (SCRI), initially towards updating the ICE Database (until June 2025). 

Course Title: Introduction to carbon footprinting training course (suitable for all sectors)

Objectives: This course will provide you with a broad overview of carbon footprinting, covering the key concepts, main international standards, reporting frameworks, organisational and product carbon footprinting and the key data, tools and resources. The course will also run through how to calculate a simple carbon footprint, will show you case study results and will discuss carbon footprint reduction.


  • Online training videos – easier to fit around your schedule, access to the videos in your own time
  • Delivered online, be trained from your office or home environment – it also means no travel or accommodation costs and a reduced carbon footprint
  • Discounts for non-profits and charities
  • On course completion a proof of training certificate
  • You can pay online with a credit or debit card, or by bank transfer or cheque

Dates: Available to take as an online video training course. To learn in your own time.

Format: Two 90 min videos (approx). They may be taken as a video course. There are also short optional exercises in between the classes and a final multi choice test. This course can be counted towards Continued Professional Development (CPD) training hours.

Your trainer: You will be trained by Dr Craig Jones and Dr Stephen Allen, who are both experienced trainers. Craig has presented to audiences around the world, including at MIT, and has appeared in publications such as the Guardian, The Times, BBC Online, The Huffington Post, and Bloomberg. Steve has developed and delivered training sessions for both the public and private sector on environmental footprint reduction and carbon analysis. Read more about your trainers on our biography page.

Level: This course is an introduction on carbon footprinting. It is suitable for those with no previous knowledge of carbon footprinting as well as those with just a basic background knowledge. This course is suitable for all sectors.

Course Content

This course covers key topics including:

  • Background of carbon footprinting: An introduction to the background and development of carbon footprinting
  • Carbon footprint standards and reporting frameworks: (including introduction to Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions)
  • Organisational carbon footprinting: An essential overview of organisational footprinting.
  • Product carbon footprinting: An essential overview of product carbon footprinting
  • Data, tools and key resources: An overview of key data, tools and resources for carbon footprinting. There are an abundance of resources and many of the better ones are free to use.
  • Calculating carbon footprints: The course will run through the key areas of calculating carbon footprints for transport, for energy consumption and for purchased materials and products. These are the 3 main contributors to a carbon footprint.
  • Case study results: We will present a series of carbon footprint case studies, to illustrate how carbon footprinting can be used.
  • Carbon footprint reduction: An overview of how you can reduce a carbon footprint.


This course is available through the Circular Ecology Training Hub, providing access to all our video training content. To view our pricing structure please click here.  

Where can I find out more information?

For more information about the training courses, please visit our price structure or FAQ page.

Other Courses

Other Courses with Online Video Recordings:

If you have any questions on this training course please contact us at

To receive information on future training courses please sign up to our Newsletter or follow us on Twitter.


Here are a few testimonials from our courses:

“For me it was perfect to see the video and do the test when I have time, so I really like this way of doing a course” – Bergman, Norway

“Thank you for an excellent review of the issues for carbon analysis” – Brad, USA

“Thank you very much again for the course. It was very rewarding for me.” – Marta, Slovakia

“Very useful intro – helped us realise that LCA offers some insights for us, but that actually we need to, for our purposes, learn how to model impacts around individual needs/behaviours and not only around one object’s impacts.” Janet, UK

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