Product Footprint Services

Product Carbon Services

Product carbon footprinting is focused on assessing the environmental impacts of individual products or product ranges. This can be in the form of an embodied carbon assessment or full lifecycle analysis, with over 20 environmental impact categories considered.

These can useful in helping to distinguish the environmental credibility of your product, as well as highlighting areas for improvement. Please click on each service type to find out more.

Life Cycle Assessments

A life cycle assessment (LCA), also known as life cycle analysis, typically assesses the full life cycle impact of a product, activity or service and against often 20 environmental impact categories, such as carbon , water depletion, eutrophication, toxicity, and more.

Life cycle assessment is a sophisticated decision support tool that can be used to identify the environmental benefits of your products, buildings, supply chains or services.

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Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)

An Environmental Product Declaration, or EPD, is a document that can be used internationally to demonstrate the environmental performance or impact of any product or material over its lifetime.

An EPD can help credibly demonstrate and communicate the environmental of your products, helping meet regulatory requirements, differentiate your environmental strategy and improve supply chain sustainability.

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Water Footprinting

A water footprint is a decision support tool that can be used to manage water related risks within your supply chain. Using a consumption-based accounting method, a water footprint can account for your water consumption, providing a greater understanding of your supply chain, enhance your brand image and improve your environmental credentials.

These studies can be streamlined, detailed and peer reviewed depending on your requirements. Click the button below to find out more.

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ICE Database: Over 750 Organisations Registered in the First 60 Days!

The ICE Database v4.0 launched in December 2024. Within the first 60 days of launch, [...]

Upcoming Webinar: Whole Life Carbon Assessment of Construction Projects: What You Need to Know

Join Circular Ecology for a webinar on Whole Life Carbon Assessments (WLCA) in Construction Circular [...]

Webinar Recap: Carbon Offsetting, Carbon Neutral, and Tree Planting: What You Need to Know

On February 6th, Circular Ecology hosted an engaging and insightful webinar focused on carbon offsetting, [...]