Bespoke Carbon Library for the Built Environment Sector

Learn more about our how we can help develop custom carbon libraries below.

What is a Bespoke Carbon Library?

A bespoke carbon library is a dataset of carbon factors produced specifically for an individual or group of organisations. The dataset provides them with carbon data for a given list of materials, products, components or activities of a standardised unit of measure.

Datasets are developed within specifically agreed system boundaries and often aligned to standards such as PAS 2080 or RICS WLCA (Whole Life Carbon Assessment for the Built Environment). Carbon libraries can be developed to cover all lifecycle stages including upfront embodied, operational, in-use and end of life carbon. Carbon libraries often contain information from a wide range of primary data sources, combined within a single, easily navigable document.

A bespoke Carbon Library can bridge the gap between freely available generic carbon datasets (such as ICE (Inventory of Carbon and Energy) & BECD) and more specific lifecycle assessments & EPDs.

Carbon Libraries provide reliable and robust carbon data at the appropriate level to meet a client’s requirements. They are easily expanded, updated and adapted. A Carbon Library can be utilised within Cost & Carbon estimating processes, to drive carbon reductions and help meet reporting requirements, across a range of organisational levels.

Carbon Library Diagram
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What are the key drivers for the development of a Bespoke Carbon Library? 

Some of the key drivers include:   

  • Legislation, standards and guidelines: Bespoke Carbon Libraries can provide the foundations to meet requirements for standards such as PAS 2080:  
    • Enable early assessment of whole life carbon 
    • Incorporate established methods for whole life carbon assessment 
    • Determine appropriate carbon baselines 
    • Provide consistent and transparent quantification of carbon impacts 
    • Inform decision making and maximise opportunities for carbon reductions 
  • Demonstrating progress against organisational carbon reductions targets: Many organisations now set targets for reduction of not only their scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions, but also their scope 3 carbon emissions. Generic and spend based assumptions are often used but the use of a library can greatly improve accuracy of reporting and reductions 
  • Maintaining competitive advantage: Bespoke carbon libraries can help identify carbon hotspots, allowing targeted emissions reductions aimed towards the most impactful and cost-efficient materials or activities 

What is typically included in a Bespoke Carbon Library?

Bespoke Carbon Libraries are by their nature made specific to the commissioning organisation. However, typical elements of a Carbon Library include:

  • Client relevant carbon data or carbon factors from a range of primary sources 
  • Carbon data broken down into life cycle modules and impact stages required by the organisation, i.e., life-cycle modules A-D 
  • Qualified assumptions for theoretical scenarios or situations where specific data is unavailable 
  • Uncertainty ranges and risk profiles for generic data 
  • Decarbonisation profiles to assist with future forecasting and updating 
  • Detailed modelling of complex items e.g., multi-material resources, hybrid material & activity resources, pure activity resources, labour & professional services impacts, transport and waste processes 
  • Data quality indicators and recommendations for further improvements  
  • Methodology reports and relevant supporting documentation 

Bespoke Carbon Libraries can be used to apply carbon data to existing processes such as: 

  • Bill of Quantities & cost plans (concept/design estimates) – to produce aligned Cost & Carbon Estimates 
  • Design drawings and BIM models 
  • Post-construction as-built information 
  • Procurement & spend data 
  • Options appraisal information 
  • Carbon comparison & assessment tools 
  • Invitation to tenders & tender submissions 
  • Material inventories and product lists 
  • Sector-specific resources 

Who might benefit from a Bespoke Carbon Library?

Examples of types of organisations who may benefit from developing their own Carbon Library include: 

  • Infrastructure sector clients e.g., Transport, Energy, Power & Distribution, Water, Waste, Flood Protection and Major Infrastructure Projects   
  • Industry associations and networks 
  • Professional bodies and institutions 
  • Design engineers, consultants, and architects 
  • National governments & local authorities e.g., public procurement 
  • Investment, financial & insurance 
  • Contractors 
  • Asset and facilities management 
  • Technology companies 
  • Research and innovation agencies 
  • Manufacturing organisations 
  • Software providers 

What are the benefits of using a Bespoke Carbon Library?

  • Specified to the client’s bespoke requirements 
  • Applicable across a range of projects and applications 
  • Inform decision making at all stages to manage carbon and assist with meeting reduction targets and objectives – options appraisal and strategic decisions 
  • Compilation of data from various sources into a single repository 
  • Can be readily updated, expanded and adapted over time 
  • Time and resource efficient when compared against the generation or collection of supplier specific information from source 
  • Can demonstrate compliance with recognised standards such as RICS WLCA & PAS 2080 
  • Can inform circular economy statements and end-of-life decision making 
  • Data can be presented in a uniform and consistent manner and unit, allowing for the comparison of carbon performance across multiple scenarios or complex projects 
  • Builds consistency within an organisation or sector when used as the baseline for all carbon measurement and management activities 

Example Bespoke Carbon Libraries produced by Circular Ecology:

Circular Ecology is the host of one of the world’s most widely used carbon databases, the ICE (Inventory of Carbon and Energy) Database and have produced Bespoke Carbon Libraries for a number of high-profile infrastructure clients. 

Please use the form below if you would like to reach out to us regarding these services: