Scaling Carbon Reductions Initiative (SCRI)
Circular Ecology strives to make a difference in this world. A key part of our Mission Statement and purpose is to release impactful work, to enable scalable carbon reductions. We do this through the release of impactful data, tools and resources, for all to use.
In order to fund the development and maintenance of such resources, we have setup a Scaling Carbon Reductions Initiative (SCRI), to divert some of the income from our sales towards resources that facilitate carbon emission reductions around the world. Our chosen mechanism for this, is primarily free data, tools and resources. Enabling others to measure, manage and reduce their carbon emissions.
Circular Ecology have integrated contributions to this initiative into various products:
- e-learning Training Courses
- Carbon offset credits
- Tree planting packs
The amount diverted to the Scaling Carbon Reductions Initiative is stated on each of the products available through our online store, but it is also detailed further below.
Amount of Funds Diverted
The amount diverted is currently (last updated date), as below:
- e-learning Training Courses: This is composed of two rates:
- Default: 25% of the excluding VAT fees is diverted into the Scaling Carbon Reductions Initiative for all of our training courses. The exception is where it is a booster course, such as the below:
- ICE Database Fund Raising Courses: Currently the ICE Database is our most widely known resource, and also the most in need of funding. We have therefore nominated our Embodied Carbon Training Couse as a fund-raising booster. For all sales of this course, we currently divert 66.67% of the ex. VAT fee into a fund specifically to use to update the ICE Database.
- Carbon offset credits: For all carbon offset credit sales, we divert £1 per tCO2e into the Scaling Carbon Reductions Initiative.
- Tree planting packs: Tree planting packs are our only product that are exposed to exchange rates (GBP to USD). The rates may therefore be updated if exchange rates move notably. However, we currently divert £250 per 1,000 trees planted (28th November 2024)
However, please check our online store for the latest rates against each individual product. In the case of discrepancy with the above, the rate specified on the online store product will take priority, being the point of sale.
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Wider Funding
In order to make the largest difference possible, we also invite direct funding to specific “for good” projects, such as funding an update to all or part of the Inventory of Carbon & Energy (ICE) database. We have published a list of some of the projects, that you can view here, that would benefit from specific funding, but we are also open to discussions.
What is the Aim and Objective of the Scaling Carbon Reductions Initiative?
The fund’s objective is to influence carbon reductions on a large scale.
The primary mechanism of this, is to develop and maintain free data, tools and resources. This will give people and organisations more knowledge and mechanisms to measure and manage the carbon emissions of their projects and activities.
Our most successful resource is currently the Inventory of Carbon & Energy (ICE) database, which has had a high influence since it was first launched in 2005. It has been used by tens of thousands of users around the world, within hundreds of carbon footprint tools, as well as for academic level teaching materials. Check out our resources webpage for our latest free data, tools and resources.
We appreciate that you will want to understand how the funds have been used, and what outcomes have been achieved by supporting the Initiative. Furthermore, because Circular Ecology are not a non-profit making organisation, we will release an annual Scaling Carbon Reductions Initiative report.
To provide transparency, we will annually disclose the amount raised, and report how it has been used, along with the outcomes of free data, tools and resources that have been released or updated over that period.
This initiative was first launched on 28th November 2024. However, we will report to the calendar year and to allow time for the fundraising to get off the ground will have a slightly longer first reporting period, which will run up to 31 December 2025. We would then need several months to analyse the data and produce an impact report. Given it is a new initiative, check our website’s news section for any interim updates.
Reporting years will then be each full calendar year onwards.
Further Information and Partnerships
If you have further questions, or wish to discuss partnerships or contributions to the Scaling Reductions Carbon Initiative, please contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
Circular Ecology is not a non-profit company, we are a Limited Company. Part of our purpose and central to our Mission Statement, is to release impactful work to help facilitate carbon emission reductions around the world. We have chosen to develop and maintain free data, tools and resources in order to achieve this. We don’t have enough resource ourselves to achieve this without raising the necessary funds to cover the costs of their development.
In order to provide transparency to the use of the funds, each year we will release a report providing a summary. We will report the amount raised and the outcomes. For example, what free resources were released, maintained, or enhanced over the reporting period.
This is a new initiative from Circular Ecology, which was launched late 2024. Our first reporting period will run until the end of 2025. After this period, we will start to prepare the first impact report, which can be expected around the end of Q1 2026. Also watch out on our website and networks for any interim updates.
We divert a specified amount from the sales for the below products.
- e-learning Training Courses
- Carbon offset credits
- Tree planting packs
These can all be purchased on our online store, where it states at the point of sale the latest amount diverted from each product.
For larger purchases, please feel free to contact us.
Our consultancy projects all include an element of tree planting, rather than a financial contribution to the Scaling Carbon Reductions Initiative.