Terms & Conditions of Use – Circular Ecology Data, Tools and Resources
Please read the following Terms & Conditions of Use carefully. All users of Circular Ecology Data, Tools and Resources shall adhere fully to these Terms & Conditions of Use, regardless of the means of obtaining access to them. The below contains General Terms of Use, applicable to all and every Data, Tool and Resources published by Circular Ecology, and any specific Terms of Use applicable to specific resources (such as ICE Database-specific Terms & Conditions of Use).
General Terms of Use – Applicable to all Data, Tools and Resources published by Circular Ecology
Last updated: 4th December 2024
1. Introduction
1.1. These Terms & Conditions of Use apply to any and all Data, Tools or Resources published and maintained by Circular Ecology Ltd.
1.2. By accessing or using any of Circular Ecology’s Data, Tools and Resources, either in full or in part, you agree to comply with these Terms & Conditions of Use.
2. Definitions
2.1. Data: Information such as numbers, evidence, statistics and otherwise, that may be used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculations.
2.2. Tools: Software or digital calculation applications.
2.3. Resources: Any non-software content including (but not limited to) databases, datasets, whitepapers, or research materials.
2.4. User: Any individual, organisation, or entity that downloads, accesses, or uses Circular Ecology’s Data, Tools or Resources.
2.5. The Authors / Circular Ecology: Refers to Circular Ecology Ltd., the organisation responsible for publishing and maintaining the Data, Tools and Resources described in these Terms of Use.
3. Disclaimer
3.1. Whilst all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within our Data, Tools and Resources, the content is subject to change without notice.
3.2. The information is provided “as is” without representation or warranty of any kind regarding its accuracy, currency, quality, or fitness for a particular purpose.
3.3. Users should independently verify any information before relying on it.
3.4. The authors (Circular Ecology Ltd.) and their affiliated organisations shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the Data, Tools or Resources, including from any use in third-party tools, platforms, software, or other commercial applications.
3.5. Users bear full responsibility for ensuring proper application and compliance.
3.6. Users are required to use all Data, Tools and Resources with due care and responsibility.
3.7. Users who encounter errors or issues with our Data, Tools or Resources, shall report them to Circular Ecology by email (https://circularecology.com/contact.html).
4. Acceptance of Terms
4.1. By downloading or using any Circular Ecology Data, Tool or Resource, you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.
4.2. If you do not agree to these terms, you must not download or use the Data, Tools or Resources.
5. Usage Policies
5.1. Permitted Use
5.1.1. Full attribution must be given to the authors (Circular Ecology Ltd) for use of any Data, Tools or Resources.
5.1.2. A link to the official download page of the Data, Tool or Resource shall be included (or to https://circularecology.com), ensuring that users can access the most recent version of the Data, Tools or Resources should they wish.
5.2. Restrictions
5.2.1. Reproduction, modification, or distribution of Data, Tools or Resources without prior consent is prohibited.
5.2.2. Attribution and links to the original source must be maintained, as per 5.1.
6. Privacy and Data Handling
6.1. Your personal and business data may be collected when downloading these resources, in line with our Privacy Policy (https://circularecology.com/privacy.html).
6.2. Data provided will be used for updates and improvements. Users may unsubscribe at any time via the unsubscribe links in any of our email campaigns.
6.3. Personal information will not be shared with third parties without your consent, except as required by law.
7. Limitation of Liability
7.1. Circular Ecology has exercised due and customary care in preparing their Data, Tools and Resources but has not, save as specifically stated, independently verified information provided by others. No other warranty, express or implied, is made in relation to the contents of the Data, Tools and Resources.
7.2. The use of any of our Data, Tools or Resources, or reliance on its content, by third parties, shall be at their own risk, and Circular Ecology accepts no duty of care to such third parties. Any recommendations, opinions or findings stated in these are based on information and circumstances as they existed at the time the document was prepared. Any changes in such information and circumstances may adversely affect the recommendations, opinions or findings contained in these.
7.3. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you accept that Circular Ecology shall not be liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, compensatory, punitive or any other damages arising from use of any Circular Ecology Data, Tools or Resources.
7.4. Circular Ecology does not guarantee that Data, Tools or Resources are error-free.
7.5. Users who discover errors or issues with the Data, Tools or Resources shall report them to Circular Ecology by email (https://circularecology.com/contact.html).
7.6. Users assume full responsibility for verifying accuracy and any results they have produced that use any part of our Data, Tools or Resources.
8. Restrictions on Use
8.1. Without prior written permission from Circular Ecology Ltd., you may not:
8.1.1. Reproduce, copy, distribute, publish, modify, or exploit our Data, Tools or Resources or any of their parts, in whole or in part.
8.1.2. Upload or distribute our Data, Tools or Resources on any website, platform, or other medium without written permission from Circular Ecology.
9. Intellectual Property Rights
9.1. Circular Ecology retains the rights to any published Data, Tools or Resources.
9.2. No rights or licences are granted other than those expressly stated in these Terms & Conditions of Use.
10. Use of Third-Party Services
10.1. Circular Ecology uses third-party services, including but not limited to Zoho One applications, to facilitate the collection, management, and analysis of user information related to Circular Ecology Data, Tools and Resources.
10.2. These services may include applications such as Zoho Forms, Zoho CRM, Zoho Analytics, Zoho Campaigns, and others included within the Zoho ecosystem.
10.3. By submitting your information through these services, you acknowledge and agree that your data may be processed and stored by Zoho One applications under Zoho’s privacy policies (https://www.zoho.com/privacy.html).
10.3.1. Circular Ecology takes reasonable steps to ensure that these third-party services comply with applicable data protection laws.
10.3.2. However, Circular Ecology is not responsible for the privacy practices of Zoho or any other third-party services.
10.3.3. Users are encouraged to review the privacy policies of Zoho and other relevant third-party services directly.
10.3.4. Please see our Privacy Policy (https://circularecology.com/privacy.html) for more info.
11. Jurisdiction and Governing Law
11.1. These Terms & Conditions of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with UK laws.
11.2. Any disputes arising from or related to the use of Data, Tools and Resources published by Circular Ecology shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the UK.
12. Changes to Terms
12.1. Circular Ecology reserves the right to update or change these Terms & Conditions of Use at any time without prior notice, although the authors will, to the best of their ability, communicate any changes and updates in upcoming releases.
12.2. The latest Terms & Conditions of Use apply to all Data, Tools and Resources, regardless of the date of accessing them. Previous terms are not inherited, instead they are replaced with the latest Terms of Use.
12.3. Users are encouraged to review the Terms & Conditions of Use periodically to stay informed of any changes.
12.4. Continued use of Data, Tools and Resources published by Circular Ecology after any changes indicate acceptance of the new terms.
13. Support and Sponsorship
13.1. Circular Ecology is committed to the ongoing development and enhancement of free Data, Tools and Resources.
13.2. We welcome enquiries regarding support, sponsorship, or collaboration opportunities that can help advance these initiatives.
13.3. If you or your organisation are interested in contributing to the development of our Data, Tools and Resources, please contact us.
14. Contact
14.1. Circular Ecology values the input of its users in improving our Data, Tools and Resources. We encourage users to share feedback and report any inaccuracies to contribute to the enhancement of them.
14.2. If you have any questions regarding these Terms & Conditions of Use, please contact us.
ICE Database Specific Terms & Conditions of Use
Last updated: 4th December 2024
15. Acceptance of General Terms & Conditions of Use
15.1. The ICE Database separates between Educational use and Non-Educational use.
15.2. All ICE Database users accept the General Terms & Conditions of Use above.
15.3. Non-educational use of the ICE Database requires full adherence to clauses 17 and beyond.
16. Educational Use
16.1. Educational use includes learning, teaching, academic research, free training courses and other academic purposes of a non-commercial nature.
16.2. Educational use of the ICE Database is permitted without registration for permission to use.
16.3. Full attribution must be given to the ICE Database and its authors (Circular Ecology Ltd.).
16.4. For any instance the ICE Database is used, a link to the official download page must be provided (https://circularecology.com/embodied-carbon-footprint-database.html), ensuring that all users can access the most recent version of the Database should they wish to.
16.5. Educational users are added to the ICE Database email distribution list on the basis of legitimate interest (product updates, error reports, related subject news). Users may unsubscribe at any time via the unsubscribe links in any of our email campaigns .
16.6. Educational users may still obtain and use a copy of the Advanced ICE Database by registering through the permission to use the ICE Database process.
16.7. Registration for permission to use by Academic Institutions helps support the ICE Database and allows us to see where the data is being used. Registration from educational users is therefore encouraged.
16.8. Educational users of the ICE Database will be emailed an Impact survey every 12 months. Users are strongly encouraged to complete the survey, helping us to understand where and how the ICE Database is being used, and to measure the impact of the Database for projects around the world.
Terms & Conditions of Use for Non-Educational use of the ICE Database are provided below:
17. Non-educational Use
17.1. Non-educational use of the ICE Database includes any other use of the data not covered in 16.1. Examples include, but are not limited to, commercial application, consultancy, software, tools, platforms, non-academic research, and any other Non-educational use.
17.2. Non-educational use of the ICE Database requires users to register for permission to use the data for Non-educational use on behalf of their organisation.
17.3. Registration for permission to use the data is free and covers a 12 month period.
17.4. Registration for permission is given in writing following acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use and registration of the organisation/institution as licence holders. Registration is currently undertaken on the page https://circularecology.com/RegisterICE.html. Users are required to confirm their email address by clicking the link in the opt-in email (auto generated). Once the link has been clicked, an email will be sent to the email address that was entered on the form, confirming the permission to use in writing.
17.5. Should a user have issues receiving the permission to use registration email, please contact us.
17.6. Once the registration has expired, users will need to re-register for permission to use the ICE Database. Re-registration remains free.
17.7. Registration covers one organisation in one country of operations. A multi-national organisation is required to register for each country they wish to use the data in separately. For example, a company with operations in the UK and USA, would require one registration for the UK operations and a second for the USA operations.
17.8. Non-educational users are added to the ICE Database email distribution list on the basis of legitimate interest (product updates, error reports, related subject news). Users may unsubscribe at any time via the unsubscribe links in any of our email campaigns, however the user shall remain responsible for checking for product updates, improvement and error resolutions.
17.9. Registration for permission to use requires a Point of Contact to be registered.
17.10. Point of Contact: The registered user responsible for communicating updates, changes, and notifications issued by Circular Ecology, to their organisation or institution. The Point of Contact acts as the primary liaison for ensuring compliance with these Terms & Conditions of Use, especially when the organisation or institution integrates Circular Ecology’s Data, Tools or Resources into their own tools, software, applications, or resources for commercial purposes.
17.10.1. The Point of Contact shall either; 1 – remain subscribed to the ICE Database email distribution list for product updates; or 2 – if they unsubscribe at any time via the unsubscribe link in our email campaigns, shall regularly check our website for product updates and error resolutions to disseminate the latest version of the ICE Database to their colleagues.
17.11. All Non-educational use of the ICE Database must give proper recognition:
17.11.1. Full attribution must be given to the ICE Database and its authors (Circular Ecology Ltd.).
17.11.2. A link to the official download page (https://circularecology.com/embodied-carbon-footprint-database.html) is included, ensuring that users can access the most recent version of the Database, should they wish.
17.12. Registered users of the Non-Educational version of the ICE Database must not distribute the Database or its derived works to unregistered parties outside of their organisation without explicit written permission. Instead, users are encouraged to share the download link, so unregistered parties can register and access the latest version of the ICE Database. [For software and tools, see below].
17.13. Users wishing to use the data in a software or tool are required to register for permission to use it in a software or tool. This process is the same as registering for a user, with additional details of the tool provided on the registration form. Once a user is registered for permission to use the data in software or tool and has received written permission via email, they may provide the data to users of their software or tool throughout the registration period (12 months).
17.14. The ICE Database will be considered valid for Non-educational use for a maximum period of up to three (3) years from the latest published update (this is unrelated to the permission to use registration period). Once this period has elapsed, the ICE Database will only be permitted for Educational uses. This process encourages the Database to be more regularly updated.
17.15. Non-educational users of the ICE Database will be emailed an Impact survey every 12 months. Users are required to complete the survey as part of the process of re-registering for the next permission to use the Database. This helps us to understand where and how the ICE Database is being used, and to measure the impact of the Database on projects around the world.
17.16. We reserve the right to withdraw the permission to use the Database for intentional breach of these Terms & Conditions of Use.
17.17. Users registering on behalf of their company grant permission for Circular Ecology to use their company logo on marketing materials pertaining to the ICE Database, such as on the Circular Ecology website, social media networks, presentation slides and other marketing collaterals. Users who don’t wish to have their logo displayed may write to us by email.
17.18. Users registering for permission to use the data in software or a tool, grant permission for Circular Ecology to list it on a register of software and tools that the ICE Database is being used in. This list may be publicly available and may use company or tool logos.
17.19. Users may contact Circular Ecology by email at contact us.
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