Building and Construction Services

Building & Construction Carbon Services

Our building services focus on both operational and embodied carbon assessments for construction projects in a range of sectors. We offer BREEAM certification and can help you understand the environmental impacts of your construction projects, and demonstrate the quality, performance and sustainability credentials of any asset.

Please click on each service type to find out more.

Operational Carbon Assessments

The operational carbon of a building is the carbon emitted in the process of running that building. These emissions depend directly on the systems used in the building, notably the heating system and power systems, such as lighting.

Reducing the operational carbon of a building also contributes to reduced whole-life carbon emissions, which is the combination of embodied carbon and operational carbon. Whole-life carbon assessment methods, such as the RICS professional statement, are moving to require building energy modelling, such as TM54 assessments.

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Net-Zero Carbon Buildings

A net zero carbon construction project needs to ensure that it offsets at least as much carbon as released in its operation and embodied carbon of construction. The net zero carbon framework from the UKGBC includes options for operational carbon and also embodied carbon.

Circular Ecology can assist you in assessing and quantifying your building’s carbon impact and procure verified carbon offsets to achieve Net Zero.

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Mat01 Life Cycle Assessments for BREEAM

The Mat 01 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is designed to assess and drive design decisions which reduce the environmental impacts of a construction project, either through the selection, quantity and composition of construction materials. It is focussed on a product’s efficiency, environmental impact, responsible sourcing and product durability over the life cycle of the selected materials and building itself.

Ultimately, the Mat 01 assessment is intended to drive the integration of life cycle assessment outcomes into the design decision process, to achieve lower environmental impact buildings.

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Embodied Carbon Assessments

Embodied carbon is the carbon footprint of a material. It considers how many greenhouse gases (GHGs) are released throughout the supply chain and is often measured from cradle to (factory) gate, or cradle to site (of use). Embodied carbon may also be measured with the boundaries of cradle to grave, which is the most complete boundary condition.

Circular Ecology can you perform embodied carbon assessments of construction projects, where it is an important part of true Net Zero Carbon buildings and construction projects. For example, it is included in the UK-GBC Net Zero Carbon Framework definition.

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Whole Life Carbon Assessments

A buildings Whole Life Carbon Assessment specifically assesses the full life cycle impact of a building. This can include any building type from a warehouse or factory to a house or block of flats. It can also be used to assess construction and civil engineering projects, such as roads, rail, water and energy infrastructure.

There is an increasing demand for whole life carbon assessments of buildings and construction projects. They are also now needed earlier in the design process. Some of the key drivers include BREEAM credits and Net Zero carbon.

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