Webinar Recap: Carbon Offsetting, Carbon Neutral, and Tree Planting: What You Need to Know

On February 6th, Circular Ecology hosted an engaging and insightful webinar focused on carbon offsetting, carbon neutrality, and tree planting initiatives.

Led by Dr Craig Jones, Managing Director, the session introduced these sustainability strategies, along with their potential advantages and challenges.

During the session, key questions were addressed:

  • What are carbon offsets and how do they work?
  • How do carbon offset credits function?
  • What are the wider benefits of offset projects?
  • What constitutes best practices in carbon offsetting?
  • How can these initiatives support broader sustainability goals?
  • Can carbon offsets effectively contribute to carbon neutrality statements?
  • What standards exist to support/validate carbon-neutral statements?

Participants gained valuable insights into how these concepts can be applied within their organisations to achieve sustainability targets. The session emphasised both practical applications and best practices for making informed decisions in this ever-evolving landscape.

For those who missed the webinar, a recording and slide deck can be found below.

Stay tuned for updates on future events or recordings – our next webinar will be on February 27th, where we will discuss the topic of Whole-Life Carbon Assessments in Buildings (more details to come).

Circular Ecology is committed to empowering businesses and individuals with the knowledge to pursue effective and sustainable climate solutions. If you’d like to work with us, please get in touch.

Webinar Recording: Carbon Offsetting, Carbon Neutral, and Tree Planting: What You Need to Know

Presentation Slides: Carbon Offsetting, Carbon Neutral, and Tree Planting: What You Need to Know

You may also view the presentation slides below:

Carbon Offsetting, Carbon Neutral, and Tree Planting Webinar - Slides

Find Out More: Carbon Offsets, Tree Planting

Circular Ecology offer a range of carbon offset products and tree-planting initiatives, designed to support your sustainability and carbon neutrality goals.

Explore our options to find the right solution for you:

Visit Our Online Store
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