Inventory of Carbon & Energy Database V3 – Progress Update

We are glad to report that we are making positive progress to update the Inventory of Carbon & Energy (ICE) database to V3.0.

We can now announce that, a launch date of Q1 2019 should be expected.

Work to update the well-used embodied energy and carbon database for materials is producing some interesting analysis and insights. Our focus is not only on updating the data.

In fact, the aim is to move beyond the pure data…

… to dig deeper into the insights that can be extracted from the analysis. We will provide you with more detail on these new insights over the next few months, leading into the launch of the new ICE database, version 3.0.

We would like to express our gratitude to the funders of this ICE database update, which has been kindly provided by:

Please stay tuned for more updates. As we move closer to the launch, we will be sending more regular progress updates.

We will keep you informed of key developments through this emails list, our website (, and on our LinkedIn page for regular updates (Follow

In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

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