Upcoming Webinar: Product Carbon Footprints, LCAs, and EPDs: What You Need to Know

Join Circular Ecology for a webinar on Product Carbon Footprints

Circular Ecology invites you to a free upcoming webinar on the 3rd of April, where we will provide a clear and practical introduction to the world of Product Carbon Footprints.

What will this webinar cover?

This session will provide practical insights for businesses looking to understand carbon footprinting, whether you’re just getting started or refining your reporting approach.

Meet the Presenters

Dr Craig Jones

Managing Director
Craig is the Director of Circular Ecology with over 20 years of experience in sustainability assessments. He is best known as the author of the ICE Database, a free embodied carbon database for construction materials. Craig has assessed the whole-life embodied carbon of hundreds of buildings and infrastructure projects.

Joe Rouse

Senior Consultant

Joe is a Senior Consultant at Circular Ecology. Joe is experienced in undertaking product carbon footprints and developing free tools to support organisations in measuring their own carbon footprints. Joe has a background in chemical engineering and carbon capture and storage.

Register Now

Join us at 1 PM BST on the 3rd of April to find out more.

Registration is free, but space is limited.
Secure your spot today to ensure you don’t miss out.

You can sign up for the upcoming webinar using the button below:

Webinar Sign Up
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