Circular Ecology Have Planted 250,000 Trees

A planter for Eden Reforestation Projects holds the mangrove seeds that will be planted

Circular Ecology have now planted 250,000 trees!

Back in January, we shared the news that we had reached a milestone of 100,000 trees planted. Circular Ecology can proudly to announce that we have achieved our next goal of planting 250,000 trees.

We have embedded tree planting into the core of our company activities. We plant trees for every project completed, including our consultancy projects and our training courses. Our trees have been planted by Eden Reforestation Projects.

About Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects aims to reduce extreme poverty and restore healthy forests by employing local people to plant millions of trees every year. They have projects across the world in Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal, Brazil and several more. At Circular Ecology we have been mainly planting mangrove trees in Madagascar and Mozambique, two countries ravished by deforestation. As well as carbon sequestration, mangrove trees have a particularly positive impact on biodiversity. The mangroves grow quickly which results in habitats being transformed in just a few years.

Additionally, the below video from Eden, shows some of the positive impacts that planting mangrove trees has on the environment and the communities involved in the planting process. We also encourage you to look at Eden’s YouTube channel and website for more information on the great work they do across continents.

Continuing Our Tree Planting Activities

To celebrate the fact that Circular Ecology have planted 250,000 trees, we will continue to plant 1,000 trees for every sale of our online video training courses. There are video training courses on carbon footprinting, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and also embodied carbon in construction. So if you’ve been considering taking our courses, now is a great time to do so. You’ll help the world in more ways than one.

Furthermore, we will of course continue to plant for each project completion, as we push forward to our next milestone.

If you would like to discuss supporting our tree planting activities, please contact us.

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