Category Archives: Carbon Footprint

What Really Happens to Your Waste Plastic? – The Key Question for International Waste Management

Waste Plastic

If all the plastic we consumed was recycled, we would soon be able to reduce our heavy dependency on fossil fuels. Could it therefore be, that when we examine the global view of the largest waste management companies, there is simply not enough emphasis placed on plastic recycling? The answer to these two questions, according […]

5 Top Tips for Reducing the Environmental Impact & Carbon Footprint of your Work

​Many businesses are now working hard to reduce the impacts of their operations, their services and/or their products. As part of this, every employee has an important role to play. Even if your company isn’t taking action to reduce their environmental impacts, to cut their carbon footprints or to improve their resource efficiency there are […]

3rd Sustainable Clothing Workshop: Update

​​The environmental footprint of our clothing is significant. It takes around 2,700 litres of water, for example, to make a single cotton-t-shirt. To help leading brands and retailers improve their sustainability, Circular Ecology and partners are running a third Business Leaders’ workshop on Thursday 5 November at M&S’s London office. Dr Stephen Allen of Circular […]

ISO 14001:2015 Finally Released: Environmental Management Systems

The long anticipated update to ISO 14001 on environmental management systems has finally been released. It is one of the most widely used and influential environmental management standards with over 300,000 certificates issued worldwide every year. It replaces ISO 14001:2004, which has now been resigned to the archives. So what can we expect from the […]

Are We Really Reducing the UK’s Carbon Footprint?

Blog by  Dr Stephen Allen In the UK, we appear to have significantly reduced our impact on the climate since 1990, with our reported annual greenhouse gas emissions falling by 25% (2012). But this isn’t a complete picture of our contribution to climate change, because it ignores the embodied carbon of all the stuff we import. […]

Winner of A Green Apple Built Environment Award

Green Apple Award

We are delighted to announce Circular Ecology’s role in winning a Green Apple award for the Built Environment. Circular Ecology’s client New Sustainable Building Model Ltd (NSBM) entered the Green Apple Awards and competed against more than 200 other nominations in the Built Environment & Architectural Heritage category for 2015. NSBM are based in Cambridgeshire […]

Circular Ecology Interviewed for Sustainable Lens

Circular Ecology’s Craig Jones was interviewed for Sustainable Lens, by Professor Samuel Mann, which is now available to listen to online.  Prof. Mann is a geographer working in computing and who has taught and researched at Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand since 1997, including five years as Head of Department. Sam has published over 150 conference and journal papers […]

The Environmental Sustainability of Existing Buildings: Refurbish or Replace?

There comes a time in the life of every building where extensive refurbishment is required. For many a building this seems to bring with it thoughts of starting again – essentially to demolish and ‘rebuild’. The normal practice in modern times seems to be the preference to demolish and replace. Whereas conservationists naturally prefer to […]

2nd Clothing Business Leaders’ Workshop: Update

Following our previous Clothing Sector Business Leaders’ workshop for senior industry executives, which Circular Ecology and consortium partners delivered in October 2014, we held a successful follow-up event in May 2015.  This session, which was kindly hosted by M&S at their London offices, was attended by ten of the UK’s leading clothing brands and retailers and cast […]

Circular Ecology contributes to new book on Microgeneration

Taylor & Francis is due to publish a new book on Domestic Microgeneration on 16 June 2015, containing a chapter co-authored by Dr Stephen Allen of Circular Ecology. Microgeneration – producing energy for the home, in the home – can provide a substantial improvement over the current centralised and detached energy model employed the world […]