We’re Planting 1,000 Trees for Every New Training Course Subscriber

We have hit an incredible milestone of planting 100,000 trees! We are passionate about tree planting. In fact, Circular Ecology have embedded tree planting into the core of our activities. We plant trees for every project completed, including our consultancy projects.

In a previous article, we talked about the benefits of the work our partner Eden Reforestation Projects does. Eden aims to reduce extreme poverty and restore healthy forests by employing local people to plant millions of trees every year. They have projects across the world in Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal, Brazil and several more. We encourage you to look at the excellent work they do across the world.

At Circular Ecology, we currently plant mangrove trees in Madagascar and Mozambique. Two countries ravished by deforestation. Mangrove trees have a particularly positive impact on biodiversity.

The next milestone we want to reach is 250,000 trees. To further aid this goal, we are planting 1,000 trees for every new subscriber to our online video training courses.

We have video training courses on carbon footprinting, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and also our brand new course on embodied carbon in construction. The subscription is for 12 months access to all three courses, They can be taken in your own time, at your own pace. If you have any questions please contact us.

We will include the planting of 1,000 trees for each new subscriber to these training courses, until we hit the next milestone of 250,000 trees planted in total.

So if you’ve been considering taking our courses, now is a great time to do so. You’ll help the world in more ways than one. Join us in our journey to planting 250,000 trees!

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