Upcoming Webinar: Organisational Carbon Footprints: What You Need to Know

Join Circular Ecology for a webinar on Organisational Carbon Footprints

Circular Ecology invites you to a free upcoming webinar on the 13th of March, where we will provide a clear and practical overview of Organisational Carbon Footprints.

What will this webinar cover?

  • What is an organisational carbon footprint?
  • What are the benefits of completing a carbon footprint?
  • Where should you start with your footprint reporting?
  • What data and information will you need for your footprint?
  • Reporting standards to follow, and regulations to be aware of

This session will provide practical insights for businesses looking to understand carbon footprinting, whether you’re just getting started or refining your reporting approach.

Meet the Presenters

Jon Burrow

Head of Carbon Accounting

Jon is the Head of Carbon Accounting at Circular Ecology with over a decade’s experience in carbon footprint assessments. Over this time, he has undertaken hundreds of organisational carbon footprints, and worked with organisations of all sizes, across many sectors to develop carbon reduction strategies. Jon has a strong background in UK and EU carbon legislative requirements and other voluntary carbon reporting initiatives.

Joe Rouse

Senior Consultant

Joe is a Senior Consultant at Circular Ecology. Joe is experienced in undertaking Organisational Carbon Footprints, as well as in the development of free tools to support organisations to measure their own carbon footprints. Joe has a background in chemical engineering and carbon capture and storage.

Register Now

Join us at 1 PM GMT on the 13th of March to find out more.

Registration is free, but space is limited.
Secure your spot today to ensure you don’t miss out.

You can sign up for the upcoming webinar using the button below:

Webinar Sign Up
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