Category Archives: Carbon Offsetting

Mark Carney Launches Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets

Progressing Voluntary Carbon Markets Mark Carney, the UN Special Envoy for Climate Action, has recently pushed for action to develop the voluntary carbon market. The Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets, spearheaded by Carney, aims to increase the size, efficiency, and transparency, of the voluntary carbon market, while driving climate action to keep global temperature […]

UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Offsetting

UKGBC Task Group On Renewable Energy Procurement & Carbon Offsetting Introduction to the Guidance During 2018/19 the UKGBC brought together a task group to develop a harmonised understanding of what net zero carbon should mean for the UK building sector, as part of the Advancing Net Zero programme. In October 2019, specific sections relating to […]

Oxford Principles for Net Zero Carbon Offsetting

University of Oxford Releases Principles for Net Zero Carbon In September of 2020, climate scientists from The University of Oxford, UK, released a guide on carbon offsetting. The Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting, also called the Oxford Principles, comments on how a net zero society can be achieved through the utilisation of […]

Microsoft go Carbon Negative as Unilever go Carbon Positive

Microsoft has committed to being carbon negative by 2030. Unilever has committed to being carbon positive by 2030. Ah! There we have a problem. Climate tug of war? Of course not…. Naturally both companies are aspiring to remove more carbon from the atmosphere than they cause. These are also very admirable and worthy commitments, even […]

Net Zero Carbon Buildings Framework Released

Green Construction

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has recently released a framework for net zero carbon buildings. This is a positive step forward for improving the environmental impacts of construction. The framework covers both embodied carbon and operational carbon. We have put together a summary article on net zero carbon buildings. What is net zero, how […]