Category Archives: Buildings

Is embodied carbon getting the attention it deserves?

Green Construction

Embodied carbon has slowly been gaining attention, but it still lacks the recognition that it arguably deserves. It has been a poor understudy to operational carbon emissions, which traditionally grabs the headlines. But could this be about to change? Perhaps. April 7th to 11th is UK Green Building Council (UK GBC) ‘Embodied Carbon Week’, where […]

The ICE embodied energy and embodied carbon database is now hosted for download by Circular Ecology

The Inventory of Carbon & Energy (ICE) database is once more available for download. The ICE database has become an important resource in the world of carbon footprinting, with over 15,000 users from all around the world. It is used far and wide and appears in countless reports, carbon calculators, lectures, journals, books and more. […]

Post Event Blog: ‘In the Scale of Carbon’ exhibition

Circular Ecology supported Materials Council ( on their fascinating ‘In the Scale of Carbon’ exhibition, which was in London from Sept 19-22, see The purpose of the ‘In the Scale of Carbon’ exhibition was to put into perspective what 1 tonne of CO2e really means. The guys at Materials Council used their strong connections […]