Author Archives: Circular Ecology

Embodied Carbon Calculator For Concrete Launched

Low Carbon Concrete

Circular Ecology are delighted to announce the launch of a new and free embodied carbon calculator for concrete. The online tool allows up to 3 different concrete mixtures to be modelled and compared for their embodied carbon footprint.  Low carbon concrete is often one of the top win embodied carbon reduction measures for green construction. […]

Circular Ecology Launch COVID-19 Fundraiser for Businesses

Circular Ecology

UPDATE: This fund raiser completed on 30th June 2020. A total of £4,075 was raised from our video training courses. It was donated to the WHO covid-19 response fund. We donated it through the Google fund raiser, who top up the donations (up to their threshold). It could therefore have contributed over £12,000. A massive […]

Circular Ecology Form Tree Planting Partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects

Circular Ecology are delighted to announce a new tree planting partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects. Trees provide many benefits and not only for the environment. Eden Reforestation projects reduces extreme poverty and restores healthy forests by employing local villagers to plant millions of trees every year. Where are the trees planted? The trees are planted […]

Defra GHG Emissions Factors for 2019 Released

Defra and BEIS have recently released their GHG emissions factors for company reporting. In the world of carbon footprinting they are considered a seminal resource. The factors show that the UK continues to rapidly decarbonise the grid electricity supply. Download the latest factors from    

ICE Database V3 Launched

The new version of the ICE database was recently launched at an event hosted by the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products (ASBP) at the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in London. Over 125 professionals were in attendance with talks from Circular Ecology, Heathrow, Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), Environment Agency and being chaired by Jane […]

ICE Database Launch Date Announced

The updated Inventory of Carbon & Energy (ICE) Database will be launched at an event in London hosted by the Alliance for Sustainable Building Products (ASBP) and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The event will see up to 120 delegates attend an event on May 30th at the RICS in London. In addition […]

Circular Ecology Delivering IEMA Webinar – ICE Database

Circular Ecology

Circular Ecology will be delivering a webinar about the new version of the Inventory of Carbon & Energy (ICE) database. It is being hosted through IEMA, the membership network for environmental professionals. Non-members can also join the webinar. The webinar was held on Thursday 31st Jan, 12:30pm UK time (GMT).  We are glad to report […]

Carbon Footprint of UK Electricity 2018

In the world of carbon footprinting, the emissions factors from the UK government are a seminal resource. Each year that they are updated gives new insight into the decarbonising UK electricity supply. The 2018 factors are now available. So, what do the “UK Government greenhouse gas (GHG) conversion factors for company reporting” tell us about […]